Acupuncture for Infertility – an holistic type of fertility treatment that is proven to be a very powerful, effective and viable option no matter what condition is causing your issue. If you have been diagnosed with a condition that is affecting your fertility, or even if your fertility condition is labeled “unexplained”, we can help you. Acupuncture for infertility has been proven to provide the following benefits:
- Regulating the menstrual cycle, stabilizing hormone levels
- Facilitating production of more follicles and healthier follicles
- Increasing blood flow to the uterus, providing a nice, thick endometrial lining
- Increasing blood flow to the ovaries, improving egg quality & providing a healthy and timely ovulation
- Reducing stress, anxiety and tension -facilitating ovulation and implantation of the embryo
- Reducing chances of miscarriage
- Preventing postpartum depression
- Strengthening the immune system and your overall health
- Helping you absorb nutrients better and maintaining your ideal weight during pregnancy
- Improving sleep patterns
Acupuncture and IVF Support – Acupuncture will improve blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries during the stimulation phase of ART, providing favorable conditions in the uterus for implantation while allowing healthy follicles to develop. It has also been shown to improve the success rates of embryo implantation when performed just prior to and directly after embryo transfer. Additional benefits of acupuncture include stress / anxiety reduction as well as decreasing the side effects of fertility drugs.
If you’re in the North Miami Beach area and looking for either natural fertility treatment of IVF Support, Dr. Andrea Schmutz can help. She is centrally located at 17971 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura Fl 33160, just minutes from North Miami Beach. Give her a call at 786-537-7022 to schedule an appointment. To learn more about her and her approach to fertility please visit her website –