“My husband and I decided to try to have a baby in 2010. We tried naturally for 5 months but with no luck. Then in August of 2010 my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. We were told we have to start banking his sperm if we want to have kids because once he has the surgery to remove his prostate we can not have a baby. We continued trying as his doctors gave us 6 months to get pregnant because IVF would be our next step and would be expensive. During the 6 months we tried naturally and did 3 rounds of IUI insemination with poor results. We took a one month break so my husband could have his surgery and we did not have to worry about the stress of a baby. After that we tried 2 rounds of IVF – in vitro fertilization – Still no luck! I was devastated and feeling really down and empty not able to get pregnant. Then one of my husbands friends said to us “did we try Acupuncture?” I said “no, will that help?” She said that’s how she got pregnant with all her kids. We also read books that recommended acupuncture when you do IVF. So we went ahead and found Dr Robert and started acupuncture treatment. To my surprise I was pregnant on my next try of IVF, this time with the help of acupuncture. We just had a 9 pound baby boy August 4th, 2012! We are so so happy and thankful to Dr. Robert Herbst and his team. If it was not for acupuncture, I don’t think I would have gotten pregnant. We are planning on a second child and will definitely be doing acupuncture with Dr. Herbst and his team to help us get pregnant.” ~ Thanks SRR ( Margate Florida )